Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Marry a muslim

I was so bored last week that I joined an online Muslim Matrimonial Service.
Thought it would be a laugh to see how many muslim women I can blag into marrying me.

I figure all the good looking ones will have standards that I can't possibly meet, so I lied though my teeth when filling in my profile.

Well anyway, members that bothered contacting me...

Juditta, a 46yr old from Hungary who described herself as 'youthful, with good exterior and figure'.
I may be doing this as a joke but I have standards.
She sent her picture and she has the exterior like that of the back end of a humvee.



Arimas had potential until I saw she had a perm.
Rouza I can only descibe as frightening. Her black Hijab just made her look like a Sith Lord.
Fadila...Hairy lip.
Magda...Plain ugly.
Karabala...Wasn't willing to relocate, looked like a man in drag anyway.
Ladha...56! NO!
Naveer...Never got a reply back after she asked if I had a beard and I said no, how odd.

*Sigh*...better luck with the next batch I hope.

Hits since July 18th 2005