Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Coffee at 2am

Never a good idea, luckily no work in the morning.
So I decided if I can't sleep I might as well go through islamic forums to see if I can find anything of interest.

Picked this up somewhere ''

It said

'You are seeing this page because there is nothing configured for the site you have requested. If you think you are seeing this page in error, please contact the site administrator or datacenter responsible for this site.'

but it's lying, there is.

Simple way of finding out...Do a google search on the ip, removing the 'http://' and replacing it with 'site:' so it's 'site:'
Turns out to be the domain name 'alasra' which has just expired.

Not much on it though, some dead insurgent pics, some jihadi crap and alot of links to my favourite website...tajdeed.

Anyway, couldn't really find anything of interest on that forum, but I did find some other interesting stuff from other places...

What looks to be insurgents playing about with a downed aircraft...Here

Other stuff Here Here Here Here Here

Some PDF crap about Bin Laden Here

Some Ansar al-sunnah crap Here, which is also available on Infovlad.

And more Arabic shite Here Here

Also found this delightful site

Yet more pics Here

And finally this.. Here


Hits since July 18th 2005