Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Muslim sentenced to life

A Dutch court sentenced the self-confessed killer of a Dutch filmmaker critical of Islam to life in jail on Tuesday for a religiously motivated murder.

Mohammed Bouyeri, an Amsterdam-born Muslim, was convicted of killing Theo van Gogh as he cycled to work in Amsterdam on November 2, 2004. He was found guilty of shooting and stabbing Van Gogh, slashing his throat and pinning a note to his body with a knife.

Van Gogh, a descendant of the brother of the 19th century painter Vincent van Gogh, was known for his outspoken criticism of Islam and angered many Muslims by making a film which accused Islam of condoning violence against women.


You can't be serious

Khalil al-Dulaimi, one of Saddam's lawyers was quoted as saying to an Aljazeera reporter..
"there is a campaign of character assassination"

I actually thought I had read the quote wrong at first.
Maybe Saddam did alot of charity work no one knew about, maybe he nursed a sick puppy back to health or maybe he was just a murdering megalomaniac with tendencies for Kurdish genocide.

Fuck off Brazil

There have been protests in Brazil following the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes and calls for the Police officers involved to be arrested.
So lets go over this again...

1. Menezes (illegally living in the UK) was seen leaving a suspect house that was under surveillance.
2. When confronted by police he jumped a ticket barrier and ran onto a tube train.
3. Shoot to kill policy: Armed police have been receiving training on how to handle suspected suicide bombers, and part of that training is that they shoot the suspect more than once in the head.

Faced with the possibility that he could be a suicide bomber they killed him.
Regrettably he was innocent, but hardly the fault of the police officers.
I only wish Brazil showed as much concern about its starving, its homeless and the 74yr old American nun that was gunned down in February.
Or maybe show a little concern about all the homosexuals and transvestites that the Brazilian police are torturing and murdering.
Or maybe the murder of a Brazilian priest who campaigned for the families of 29 people allegedly killed by rogue police officers.

and so on that note...FUCK OFF Brazil!

Hits since July 18th 2005