Monday, August 29, 2005

Payenda Mohammed

During a press conference today Colonel Jim Yonts revealed to reporters that one of 4 Taliban fighters killed during clashes last week was Payenda Mohammed.
Although the Peshawar-based Afghan Islamic Press reports that 11 Taliban members were killed.

Payenda Mohammed was one of Taliban commanders in Uruzgan.

Who the f**k was Payenda Mohammed anyway?

**UPDATE: So after a bit of searching I can still find nothing other that he was in command of around 150 men...whoop de do! my eyes that puts him on the same level as a Tesco's store manager.

15 killed in Falluja

15 what though? and by who?

Reports say armed men ordered passengers out of a bus, lined them up and then shot them.
It is believed they were from Saqlawiyah, in the Sunni Triangle.

No one has claimed responsibility and no one has said if those killed were civilians, police or any other armed force.

Yes, I could be more vague

Hits since July 18th 2005