Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Al-Qaida in Iraq murder Algerians

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's gay band of merry men are at it again.
This time they murdered two kidnapped Algerian envoys because of their government's support for the United States.
A statement posted on a raghead website said...

"Your brothers in the al-Qaida Organisation in Iraq have killed Ali Belaroussi, the chief of the Algerian mission, and diplomatic attache Azzedine Belkadi. Algeria have sent these two apostates as allies to the Jews and Christians in Iraq. Iraq will not be safe for God's enemies. Haven't we warned you against allying yourselves with America?"

I hope you all roast in hell - SR

Suspects caught

BBC Report

A man held after being shot with a Taser stun gun has been taken to London for questioning.
A suspect package was found during his arrest and is being examined.
Shortly after the man's arrest, a second address in Bankdale Road, in Washwood Heath, Birmingham, was raided and another three men were arrested.

Shooting a suspected suicide bomber with electricity isn't something I'd do in a hurry

Hits since July 18th 2005